Church of the Holy Trinity and St. Luke
Parish History

The Parish of the Holy Trinity and St Luke was founded in 1983 and until December 1994 services were held at an Anglican church in Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham.

Our great desire was to acquire our own church building and in 1992 the decision was taken to relocate the church to The Midlands Greek & Cypriot Association in Erdington, Birmingham.

With the guidance of the Church Committee and the priest at the time, Father Nikolaos Skapoulis, together with the support and blessing of His Eminence Gregorios, the late Archbishop of Thyateira and Great Britain, as well asthe generosity of our community members and compatriots, our goal became a reality.On the 22nd October 1995 with all due ceremony Archbishop Gregorios consecrated the new Church. The Divine Liturgy has been celebrated here ever since on Sundays and on all the main feast days.

Our parish celebrates on the feast day of St Luke the Evangelist on the 18th October and on the Monday of the Holy Spirit (Monday after Pentecost).